FMR Janusz Lisicki



ul. Wałowska 2,
96-200 Rawa Mazowiecka

+48 (46) 814 66 58

NIP: 835-161-62-39
REGON: 521349512
Rejestr: Sąd Rejonowy dla Łodzi-Śródmieścia w Łodzi, XX Wydział Gospodarczy KRS pod numerem KRS 0000957391, wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 1.000.000,00 zł.

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  • English


REQUEST Offerenr
: Rawa Mazowiecka/01/2016

Rawa Mazowiecka, 28.10.2016 R.

"Supply, installation and commissioning of the machine (line) for shaping metal profiles from the metal sheet"

With a view to preserving the principles of competitiveness and equal treatment of contractors (tenderers) in a proceeding carried out under the project entitled "Implementation of the R & B's own results guarantee the implementation of the new product" within the framework of the regional Operational programme of Lodz Voivodeship for the period 2014-2020, sub-measure 2.3.1 Innovation in SMES, co-financed by the European Union in the framework of European Regional Development Fund (hereinafter referred to as the project), we invite you to submit an offer.

1. Determination of the contracting authority

FMR LISICKI Janusz Lisicki

UL. From Wałowska 2

96-200 Rawa Mazowiecka

D & C 8351005317

2. Specifying the order mode

This procedure is carried out in accordance with the principle of competitiveness as set out in the guidelines on eligibility of expenditure under the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for Years 2014-2020 that SZOOP.

After the submission of tenders and their verification by the purchaser, the contractor shall be selected as a result of the evaluation of tenders made in accordance with the assessment criteria adopted in this inquiry.

This inquiry has been made public in the following ways:

  1. Send a request for quotation to at least three potential contractors.
  2. Inclusion on the applicant's website:ści

3. Determination of the subject of the order

3.1 Name and code of order item according to the Common Procurement vocabulary (CPV)

CPV CodeName
42630000-1 Metalworking machines

3.2 Order Subject

Supply, installation and commissioning of the equipment (lines) for shaping metal profiles of metal sheet, in the village: 96-200 Rawa Mazowiecka, ul. From Wałowska 2.

3.3 Description of the order item 

The subject of the contract is the delivery, installation and commissioning 1 pc. Equipment (lines) for shaping metal profiles of metal sheet, with basic technical parameters:

  • Produced: Profile/channel 30x 30 mm, Profile/round Ø 27; According to the technical drawing (Illustrat)
  • Minimum thickness of the machined sheet for the profile/channel in the range: 1.5 – 2 mm
  • Minimum thickness of the machined sheet for profile/round-0.42 mm
  • Maximum width of the machined sheet – 120 mm
  • Minimum profiling speed without punching punch module-18 m/min.
  • Minimum profiling speed using punching punch module (assuming hole at 500 mm)-10 m/min.
  • Self-brake module with 1200 mm coil diameter and 500 mm bore
  • Sheet Metal Introduction Module
  • Five-line rectilinear module
  • Rolling module (calibrating profile/channel)-8 frames
  • Rolling module (calibrating profile/round)-12 frames
  • Programmable cutting module from Control Panel – flying saw with ball cutter and clamping Unit
  • Punching punch module: Programmable flying head with Control Panel – (diameter of punched hole Ø 5-7)
  • Receiving module up to 3500 mm
  • Numerical Control with Touch desktop

The technical drawing (s) referred to above shall be made available to the tenderer after the submission of the confidentiality statement in accordance with annex 2 to this enquiry in writing at the premises of FMR LISICKI, ul. Wałowska 2, 96-200 Rawa Mazowiecka, or e-mail:,

The offer price must include:

  • Delivery, installation and commissioning 1 pc. Metal Profile shaping Equipment
  • Technical and motor documentation in English
  • Control schemes in English
  • CE Declaration of conformity in English

4. Date of performance of the contract

Maximum term: 30.04.2017 R.

5. Conditions for participation in the proceedings and a description of how to assess compliance with these conditions.

ConditionHow to assess the fulfilment of the condition
The tenderer shall not be excluded as referred to in point 13 of this inquiryThe tenderer's statement forming part of the tender form.
The subject of the offer fulfils all the basic technical parameters referred to in paragraph 3.3 of this enquiry, which will be confirmed in point. 3 Complex offersThe tenderer's statement forming part of the tender form.
The tenderer shall comply with the conditions concerning: possession of powers to perform a specific activity or activities, if the law imposes an obligation to possess them, possess knowledge and experience in carrying out tasks of a similar scale and scope. The condition shall be deemed to have been fulfilled if the tenderer has provided and launched at least 5 items in the last two years preceding the submission of the tender. Equipment (lines) for shaping metal profiles from the metal sheet, having adequate technical capacity and persons capable of performing the contract, the appropriate economic and financial situation allowing for timely realizations Order.The tenderer's statement forming part of the tender form.

The assessment of the fulfilment of the above conditions shall be effected in accordance with the zero-one method, i.e. The formula ' satisfies-does not meet ' on the basis of the statement contained in the tender form in Appendix 1 to this request for quotation. Any offer that fails to comply with any of the above conditions will be refused from the participation in the proceeding.

6. Information about the deposit

The purchaser does not provide for payment by tenderers 

7. Criteria for assessing tenders and their relevance

7.1 Offer evaluation criteria

  1. Price – Flat rate in PLN for the delivery, installation and commissioning of the subject matter of the inquiry referred to in point. 3.3. If an offer is submitted in a different currency, it will be converted to LCY at the average rate of NBP preceding the opening day of tenders.
  2. The deadline for performance of the contract-execution time calculated in weeks from the date of signature.
  3. Technical solutions – The value listed in point. 7.3 The technical solutions in excess of the basic parameters of the equipment referred to in point (a) 3.3.
  4. Warranty Period – The warranty period is calculated in months from the date of signature of the acceptance protocol.
  5. Service response time – the period of time to take service actions to eliminate the failure, counted in hours from its notification (weekdays).

7.2 Information on point or percentage weights assigned to each tender evaluation criteria

Criterion Maximum number of points. Criterion
Price 50 points.
Date of performance of the contract10 pts.
Technical Solutions20 pts.
Warranty Period10 pts.
Service time10 pts.

7.3 Description of how to award scoring for the fulfilment of a given offer evaluation criterion

Criterion How the criterion is assessed 
Price (C)C Lowest/C tested * 50 points. 
Order completion date (T)T the shortest/T tested * 10 pt.
Technical Solutions (R1, R2, R3 and R4)R1 = thickness of the machined sheet for profile/channel in the range: 1.5 – 2 mm – 0 pt. R1 = thickness of the machined sheet for profile/channel in the range: 1.5 – 3 mm – 5 pt. R2 = thickness of the machined sheet for profile/round: 0.42 mm – 0 points. R2 = thickness of the machined sheet for profile/round: 0.5 mm – 5 pt. R3 = profiling speed without punching punch module: 18 m/min – 0 pt. R3 = profiling speed without punching punch module up to: 20 m/min – 5 points. R4 = profiling speed using punch punching module: 10 m/min – 0 points. R4 = profiling speed using punching punch module up to: 12 m/min – 5 points.
Warranty period (G)G = 12 months-0 points. G = 18 months-5 pts. G = 24 months and above-10 pts. 
Service response Time (S)S = 48 hours – 0 points. S = 36 Hours – 2 points. S = 24 hours-5 points. S = 12 hours – 10 pts.

Maximum number of points to be obtained: 100 points.

Maximum time of contract: 30.04.2017 R

Minimum thickness of the machined sheet for the profile/channel in the range: 1.5 – 2 mm

Minimum thickness of the machined sheet for profile/round-0.42 mm

Minimum profiling speed without punching punch module-18 m/min

Minimum profiling speed using punching punch module (assuming hole at 500 mm)-10 m/min

Minimum required warranty period: 12 months.

Minimum required service response time: 48 hours.

Points calculated in a given criterion are added to each other.

P = C + T + R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 + G + S

The resulting results will be rounded to the nearest two decimal places.

The purchaser will award the contract to the tenderer whose offer meets all the conditions and technical requirements and receives the highest number of points.

8. Place and deadline for submitting tenders

The offer must be submitted: in person or by courier or by post to the company address given in section 1 of this inquiry, on working days.

The offer must be affected by 08.11.2016 until 15:00.

Tenders submitted after that date shall not be considered.

9. Place and date of opening of tenders

The opening of tenders will take place at the company's premises to the address given in paragraph 1 of this inquiry.

Tenders will be opened on 09.11.2016. At 1pm. 9:00

The contracting authority does not provide for public opening of tenders.

10. Deadline for offering

Minimum term: 30.11.2016 R.

11. Information on anticipated supplementary orders.

The contracting authority shall be allowed to grant to the selected contractor in the procedure of supplementary contracts, not exceeding 50% of the value of the contract in question, insofar as those contracts are in conformity with the subject of the contract Primary.

12. How to prepare and submit an offer

The offer must be submitted in English on the form accompanying appendix 1 to this inquiry.

Other bids will be declined.

The offer must be completed and signed by persons authorized to represent the entity submitting the offer and stamped with the company stamp. Unfilled bids will be declined. Each page of the offer should be initiate.

The tenderer shall bear all costs relating to the preparation and submission of the tender.

The offer must be filed in a closed and open envelope, guaranteeing the confidentiality of its contents until the opening of tenders.

The envelope must be described:

(a). Name and address of the tenderer (contractor)

(c). "OFFER" annotation

(d). The name of the order item


13. Information on the scope of the exclusion (in relation to affiliated entities).

13.1. Tenderers who are not affiliated with the purchaser, either separately or in capital, are admitted to participate in the proceedings.

13.2. The relationship between a beneficiary or a person authorized to enter into commitments on behalf of the beneficiary or persons performing on behalf of the beneficiary shall be understood as being the relationship between the beneficiaries or persons involved in the preparation and The procedure for selecting the contractor and the contractor, consisting in particular of:

(a). Participation in a company as a partner of a civil partnership or partnership,

(b). Possession of at least 10% of the shares or shares,

(c). Acting as a member of the supervisory or management body, the Prosecutor, the representative, the

(d). Marriage, relationship or affinity in a straight line, relationship or affinity in the sidelines to the second degree or in relation to adoption, custody or guardianship. '; 

The tenderer shall document the fulfilment of the abovementioned condition of the statement in the tender.

14. Determination of the conditions for amendment of the contract concluded by the procurement procedure.

14.1. The amendment of the contract shall be subject to the agreement of both parties, expressed in writing under pain of nullity, without prejudice to paragraph 14.2.

14.2. Amendments to the relevant provisions of the concluded Agreement shall be admissible in cases:

A) Amend or introduce new rules or standards, if in accordance with them it will be necessary to adapt the content of the contract to the current legal status,

b) If after the conclusion of the contract the contracting authority establishes or the contractor notifies the purchaser that there were circumstances that could hinder the orderly execution of the contract,

(c) Where, as a result of circumstances which could not have been foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract, it would be necessary to extend the deadline or to amend the timetable for performance of the contract or financing, in particular:

– If, for organisational reasons, it was not possible to proceed to the performance of the contract or part thereof within the period prescribed by the purchaser,

– As a result of the need for additional tasks.

15. Other information

15.1. In connection with the obligation arising from the European Union Funds ' project grant agreement under the European Regional Development Fund, the contracting authority is obliged to reserve the right to inspect the contract with the selected contractor Documents, including financial documents related to the project.

15.2. Person entitled to contact the tenderers and provide explanations concerning the proceedings: Krzysztof Starczewski, tel. 505-151-570 Email Address:

15.3. Submitting an offer does not constitute a contract.

15.4. Bids not filled in and those that do not meet the requirements of the request for quotation will not be considered.

15.5. The presentation of false information affecting the outcome of the award of this order will result in the exclusion of the tenderer from the conduct.

15.6. The purchaser does not allow partial tenders. The ordering party does not allow variant tenders. Partial or variant offers will not be considered.

15.7. Where the present question uses own names, it must be assumed that these are the example names, the tenderer shall have the possibility to use materials or components with equivalent technical parameters, i.e. Worse or better.

15.8. The purchaser reserves the possibility to cancel the request for quotation at any stage of the proceeding and not to select any of the tenders submitted without stating a reason. In the event of these circumstances, tenderers shall not be entitled to any claim against the purchaser.

15.9. The procedure is not conducted on the basis of the law of 29 January 2004. – Public procurement law, therefore, it is not possible to apply the remedies set out in that law. 

16. Attachments

Appendix 1 – Offer Form

Appendix 2 – Confidentiality Statement


Krzysztof Starczewski

Chief Executive Officer Development